1952[罗马11时]Roma ore 11[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2023-06-16 / 发布时间:2016-06-08


【主演】: 伊娃·瓦尼切克/卡拉 · 德尔波娇/马西莫·吉洛蒂/露西娅·波塞/雷夫·瓦朗/埃莱娜·瓦尔齐/莱亚·帕多瓦尼/德利娅·斯卡拉/伊雷娜·加尔特/保罗·斯托帕/玛丽亚·格拉齐亚·弗兰恰/Naudio Di Claudio/阿曼多·弗兰西欧利/保拉·布鲁布尼/Romolo Bartolomeo
【标签】: 剧情
【制片地区/国家】:意大利 / 法国
【上映时间】: 1952-02-27(意大利)
【片长】: 107
【原名】:Roma ore 11
【又名】:Rome 11:00 / 罗马十一时 / 罗马十一点钟
【评分】:豆瓣:9.2 ,IMDB:7.9
【IMDb链接】: tt0045098
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net



Based on an actual incident, this is the story of five girls (told in a slow beginning) who are among the 200 women who answer a want ad for a modest secretarial position one rainy morning in Rome in 1951. They crowd and push their way into the old building and fight their way up the stairs to await an interview, only to be told there is not enough time to interview all. A scuffle breaks out and the stairway collapses sending many of them hurtling down in a mass of bodies amid brick and mortar. Among them are the well-born wife of a poor artist;, a streetwalker making an attempt to change her life; an unhappy servant girl; and the desperate wife of an unemployed factory worker. How the event changes or fails to change their lives is told.

长镜头下意大利社会的缩影 ————简析《罗马十一时》中的长镜头。观影笔记:意大利新现实主义巅峰绝作。《罗马11时》电影剧本。德•桑蒂斯作品《罗马11点钟》观后座谈会纪要。导演说。黑色喜剧的狰狞与荒诞/长镜头的力量<戴锦华>。短评。人物群像,女性情谊,与萧条时代的底层希望。。现实主义在展现现实时,无意间展示出了美好的人性。罗马11时:正确的只有画面。


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文件名 大小
Klockan 11 14 . DVDrip. avi.Swesub.Wolfrunner 643.27 MB
文件名 语种 地址
罗马11时 Roma ore 11 (1952) DVDRip Rome 11:00 简体中文字